

Erasure- a language in it’s own right, inextricable to the creative process

Erasure is an attempt at making things disappear. Erasure however can be  a constructive process of change and transformation. 

The process itself creates a new register with a very particular language. 

Superimposing a new message onto an old one  creates a palimpsest:


A reality that has been reassessed, reinvented, just like a chalkboard that allows us to see partially erased  marks.


In history palimpsests tells us simultaneous stories , sometimes radically contradictory but more importantly they tell us about the process. Often the layers underneath the final painting are much more revealing than the painting itself and tell  a much more complete story; so do the many versions of a manuscript. It’s a  process  where ‘good’ and’ bad’ coexist harmoniously in defining a new reality. 


This new body of work exposes that process. Is an invitation to access but more importantly to embrace it. Through the use of diverse  qualities, intensities of marks, calligraphy styles and materials; layer after layer  raising some of those questions.


What are we prepared to settle with?

What are we prepared to let go?

Supporting a process sublation  these  visual records  showcase an harmonious process of contradiction and tension. In this work the current artistic registers do not dismiss the old ones but instead embrace a reality  where obsolescence and relevance  find a ground to coexist.